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If we had multiple campaigns, we would see them here in this table. In this case, I have run many campaigns of different varieties. If we wanted to look at everything else from a high-level view, including our ad sets and our ads, we would select those from the navigation directly above the table. I'll select Ad Sets. Here we can see all of the ad sets, regardless of which campaign they're associated with. So if we had 15 or 20 ad sets, they would show up here. Next, you can select Ads to see all of the ads that are running in your account. At the top left, we have a Notifications window, which is telling us things about our ads-whether they've been approved, declined, and their current status.

To the right, you have a chart that talks about your daily spend over the last five days. If you wanted to see all of your billing activity, you would choose the See Billing Activity option in the upper right. Let's drill into each of these individually. I'll start by going to Campaigns and selecting the first campaign. Within this campaign, we're now looking at the item that's nested within it, which is the ad set. At the top, we have some options specific to this campaign. The first toggle button under Status will let us turn on or off the campaign. Now, doing so doesn't delete it, it just pauses it. If I select it, you'll notice that here under the delivery it's showing inactive. And when I hover over, I can see exactly what's happening.

Continuing along, we have some other data. Below that, we would see a graph of clicks to our website as shown in the upper left here. Now, this is an example of an ad that has been running for a little bit. When your campaigns are new you would see a flat line until there is some activity. If you wanted to look at this data over a different time period, you could do so by selecting the time in the upper right and modifying the options there. You could choose lifetime, yesterday, or the last seven days. Now most advertisers look at things week over week or month over month, so you'll often use the last seven days or this month option to see that data.

Once you've selected that, you can choose OK, or in this case, I'll choose Cancel. Now if we want to edit any of these options, you'll notice that there isn't the ability to do so from here, and that's because these are controlled at the ad set level. So I'll go down to the bottom and choose the ad set from the table. Again, this is where we started. You'll see Ad Set is bolded in the upper right, and we have some options here. We can enable the status of this ad set, which would disable only the ad set, not the campaign. We can also look at the schedule of this ad set, and choosing the pencil icon to the right would let us edit it. We could change the budget or the schedule, and choose Save or Cancel.

We will also have another chart related to the ad set, and below that we have a table showing our ads that are running in this ad set. In this case, we could drill into a specific ad to start making changes or editing it, but we'll get to that in a later video. You'll use the ad manager frequently to view, make changes, and access your performance reports for all of your campaigns, ad sets, and ads. Take some time to familiarize yourself with this page, as you'll be using it frequently.